Setting the Stage

It’s a New Year and if you are like many of us, you are ready for a refresh! If you need some ideas to brighten up your home, we’ve got you covered!

Winter can be a fun time if you live in an area that gets a ton of snow and you like skiing, snowboarding, or enjoy freezing your tucas off scraping off your car. Not for me! I moved away from that mess and haven’t owned a shovel since. So while I wait for the sunnier days ahead, I like to brighten up my living space and create a cheerful environment in which to hibernate. 

Here are some quick ideas and a list of a few of our fav’s to get you started.

Low Cost. Big Impact!

Want to make a big impact on your home and not your bank account? Update with pillows & paint. We like to swap out our pillow covers seasonally when we stage a home or freshen up our own living spaces. 

Pillow covers are a great way to keep costs down and they are easy to clean. Just be sure to get a few that are machine washable to save yourself some time. A good quality insert like these down or down-alternative inserts from Pottery Barn will last you several years. 

These cozy inserts are easy to pair with covers like these cheerful velvet covers also found at Pottery Barn. 

If your taste is a bit more modern, try these covers from West Elm.

Another good option–mix & match styles from World Market, Home Goods, or Target. These covers may or may not zip off, but many are machine washable and less expensive. 

Paint! Glorious Paint!

In addition to pillows and accessories, paint is the best low-cost way to update anything from furniture and cabinets to walls and floors. Yes, floors! However, we only recommend floor painting for spaces that can be appropriately sealed, are low traffic areas, or old and dreary where replacement or restoration is not an option. 

Every fall Sherwin Williams announces their “Color of the Year”. This year, their fav is Naval Blue and we couldn’t be more excited!

This deep rich shade of blue is opulent but timeless. It pairs well with metals, marble, soft leathers, and a variety of patterns. Use this color as an accent, for accessories, or wall color. Our favorite use–painted cabinets.   

Snag this $15 OFF coupon for Sherwin Williams paint from Pottery Barn and get started!

We would love the opportunity to help you stage your home when you are ready to sell or if you are thinking about renting your place out. 

If you’re ready to get started, call us now, or if you’d like to get more information, send us your questions. Mention this post to get FREE staging when you list with us!


All the best, Colette


Offer Conditions: additional fee or deposit may apply. Offer based upon accessory staging package.

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